You are More Than Enough

You Are More Than Enough: Seeing Yourself Through God’s Eyes
This question has followed me my whole life. As a child, my worth felt performance-based. How could I be the best? How could I earn my teachers' approval? As a teacher, I strived to become the expert, the go-to person, so I could feel like I was enough. Yet, despite my efforts, I often questioned whether I was doing enough.
In my personal life and relationships, I found myself seeking approval and affection, wondering, Am I enough?
Maybe you can relate. Perhaps at work, you feel measured by achievements and status. As a mom, you compare yourself to others who seem to have it all together, thinking you should be doing more. In relationships, you may feel the pressure to act or be a certain way to be worthy of love. Or maybe you struggle with body image—seeing a supermodel on TV triggers feelings of inadequacy, making you think you need to look more like the beauty on the screen. Maybe you even question whether you are Christian enough, trying to serve, study, and pray your way to meet an impossible expectation.
Thoughts like these rob us of joy and leave us feeling overworked, overwhelmed, and exhausted. We find ourselves running a race that God never intended for us—the race to be the best, prettiest, most liked... enough.
You Are Already Enough in Christ
The world constantly tells us we need to be more—more successful, more beautiful, more perfect. But God made you uniquely YOU. When we question our worth, we are questioning the very One who created us. Ouch. The world and our inner critic are not the voices we are called to listen to. The only voice that matters is the Voice of Truth—God’s voice—which declares that you are already loved, chosen, valuable, and enough.
How to See Yourself Through God’s Eyes
I’m not ashamed to say that I see a therapist once a month. In our sessions, we often talk about the inner critic—that voice in our heads whispering, You aren’t good enough. Or convincing us that we must prove our worth through performance and the approval of others.
While therapy has been incredibly helpful, my greatest anchor for truth is God’s Word.
When you find yourself questioning your worth, replace the lies with scripture. Cling to God’s truth. Believe it.
Lie: I am not good enough.
Truth: God created me intentionally and in His image. (Psalm 139:13-14; Genesis 1:27)
Lie: "I have to prove myself."
Truth: God’s love isn’t based on performance. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
Lie: "I am too broken."
Truth: God redeems and restores. (Isaiah 61:3)
In addition to speaking God’s truth, pray. Ask God to help you see yourself as He sees you. Pray for a renewed mind and heart. Surround yourself with people who will encourage and uplift you in truth.
You already are enough in the eyes of the Lord. Embrace this truth today.
Replace Lies with God’s Truth
What’s one lie you’ve believed about yourself? What truth from God’s Word can replace it?
This week, commit that scripture to memory:
Write it on a post-it note and place it on your dashboard.
Use a dry-erase marker to write it on your bathroom mirror.
Hold it close to your heart, and when the lie creeps in, fight back with the powerful Word of God.